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Society Invited To Present Moreton Quarry Objections To Dorset County Council

After the Society submitted an objection last year to Dorset County Council’s draft proposals for a sand and gravel quarry half a mile from Moreton village, we have now been invited to present our views to the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals and Waste Policy Joint Advisory Committee in May.

Society vice-chair Alan Payne – a planning consultant who wrote the Society’s response to the quarry consultation – will be attending to speak on behalf of the Society and to present an online petition, “Let Lawrence of Arabia Rest in Peace”, which was signed by nearly 450 people from around the world.

The Society believes that the quarry proposal will have a disastrous impact on the tranquil surroundings of the village of Moreton and the cemetery where Lawrence lies.

We will keep members updated on how the consultation progresses.

Dorset County Council’s proposals can be viewed at…. Go to Appendix A: Site Allocations, then scroll to Site AS-25. Two submissions by the Society can be found on page 5 of the responses to the consultation.

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