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Lawrence of Arabia Legacy Lecture Series

The Lawrence of Arabia Legacy Lecture Series is sponsored by the T. E. Lawrence Society and the National World War I Museum and Memorial. The series which began in 2022 is currently produced by Lora Vogt for the Museum and George Thompson for the Society.

This series is offered to public and to the Society’s and the Museum’s members. Each presentation is a virtual one and is hosted by the Museum and recorded. The following are the programs to date:

In the Shadow of Myth: The Fractured Lives of T. E. Lawrence
Barbara Cooke

Desert War, Desert Archaeology
Nicholas Saunders

E. Lawrence: Prophet of Guerrilla Warfare?
David Murphy

The ‘Earthly Paradise’ at Clouds Hill
Martin Gething, Neill Child & Tony Gill

Lawrence as a Writer
Philip Neale

Lawrence of Arabia: Apostle of Irregular Warfare
Brian Steed & George Thompson

Lawrence of Arabia: Why is he such an enduring figure?
Michelle Tusan, Ted Glenn & Edward Owens

Lawrence of Arabia: His role in shaping the Modern Middle East
Joseph Berton, Lorraine Tinsley & John Calvert