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Why become a member of the T. E. Lawrence Society?

Even today, in the 21st Century, the enigmatic T E Lawrence continues to intrigue …

Lawrence’s role during the Arab Revolt in World War I and his influence in shaping the map of the Middle East in the post-war period make him as relevant now as ever.

Yet it wasn’t for his wartime role that Lawrence wanted to be remembered. With his ‘touch of genius’ he left a lasting legacy in many diverse spheres … archaeology, art and literature, fine-press printing, motorcycling, the development of high-speed rescue boats and more.

Lawrence’s life and legend continue to be a fascination, for many people across the world.

Whatever your interest in Lawrence, you will find fellowship with like-minded people around the world by joining the T. E. Lawrence Society. Our members enjoy:

  • Two 80-page Journals a year
  • Three Newsletters a year
  • Meetings and Visits
  • The Society’s Symposium every second year
  • Local Groups in the UK organising events
  • Contacts with people with similar interests in Britain and Worldwide.

How To Join The T. E. Lawrence Society