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Other Dorset Connections

During his times in Dorset, Lawrence ranged far and wide on his Brough Superior motorcycle.

Max Gate

This was the Dorchester home of Thomas Hardy. Lawrence became friends with Hardy and his wife Florence, and was a regular visitor when stationed at Bovington. The house is owned by the National Trust and is open to visitors from March to November.

Arish Mel

This is a small cove across the Lulworth Ranges from Bovington where Lawrence used to swim with friends in the Tank Corps. The cove is now fenced off due to the possibility of unexploded ordnance in the water. 

There is equally fine swimming at nearby Worbarrow Bay. Access to the area including the deserted village of Tyneham is possible only when the ranges are not in use by the military.

Corfe Castle

A spectacular ruin largely wrecked by Cromwell in the Civil War, also now owned by the National Trust. A favourite place for Lawrence to visit and the scene of one of his many motorcycle crashes.